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Frequently Asked Questions


What's the active ingredient?

DHA is appoved by the food and drug administration for use in sunless tanning products. DHA (dihydroxy acetone) is derived from sugar; synthesizes with the skins proteins, including amino acids in the outermost layer of the skin. The organic spray tan works with your natural pigments; in the epidermis (top layer) of the skin to produce a safe, natural tan.


Why didn't I get as dark this treatment as I did with my last session?

Due to the ever-changing chemistry of the body, there are times of the month that the body may be less receptive to DHA. Some people can even be DHA resistant. If a client perspires excessively during development time, this may dilute the solution and thus will not allow the DHA to absorb into the skin properly. Lastly, if the skin has residual oil or moisturizer on it, this will block the DHA and prevent the skin from reacting and changing colours. (Ask us about the pH balancing option. It will go to work to get rid of the skins daily body oils perfumes and hidden dry skin, resulting in a perfect tan)


What products should I AVOID to make my tan last longer?

Bar soaps, products with Sodium Laureyl Sulfate (SLS) and mineral oil as well as petroleum based product, will all contribute to your tan fading more rapidly. Avoid long hot baths, and exposure to cholrinated water. Any skin care products with Alpha Hydroxy, Glycolic or Salicylic Acid, Retin-A and Retinol will fade your tan more quickly as well. We recommend our line of SunnaTan products & extenders to help extend the length of your tan. 


How long does the tan last?

Your tan can last between 5-10 days, depending on how often you maintain your skin care such as moisturizing and how well you've prepped. Ask us about our face and body lotion extenders for purchase at your appointment. These extenders will help you extend your tan past 10 days.


When can I shower?

Do not shower for a minimum of 12 hours and we recommend waiting 24 hours after your spray tan for optimal colour results! Final results won’t be seen until after you have your first shower. 


Will the colour rub off or stain my clothes or sheets?

During the first 12 hours after your spray tan, the bronzer may slightly rub off on lighter clothing and sheets. If it does, being a natural sugar based solution it should wash out very easily.